Accessing data

Accessing data

DINAMIS services for institutional users evolve in line with their feedback and needs, and with the Consortium’s funding capacity. Access is also subject to certain conditions.

Current services

Acquisition of very-high-spatial-resolution imagery

DINAMIS users may request acquisition of fresh imagery—through dedicated tasking of the Pléiades and SPOT-6-7 satellites—and access existing imagery free of charge:

  • at resolutions of 1.5 m to 0.5 m (Spot 6-7 and Pléiades),
  • in France and worldwide
  • within quotas or thresholds revised yearly and/or during the course of the year.

Users may formulate and communicate their VHR optical imagery needs through the online imagery request application on the website.

Data distribution

Every year, DINAMIS makes available coverages of:

  • Mainland France at 1.5-m resolution (Spot 6-7),
  • Sandy coastal areas in mainland France and overseas territories at 0.5-m resolution (Pléiades),
  • The islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion and Mayotte

These yearly data are in the process of being added to the Catalogue. In the meantime, they are accessible by administrative region on request from

All data previously acquired by DINAMIS can be accessed by all institutional stakeholders through the DINAMIS catalogue with harmonized user licences designed to further data sharing between scientific, public and private stakeholders. New archive data or tasked acquisitions are subsequently added to the Catalogue.

User support

DINAMIS is there to help you express your need and provide technical and subject matter support at every stage in the process..

Upcoming services

Upgrade to imagery request application

The imagery request application on the website will very shortly be integrated with the DINAMIS Catalogue to make the ordering process easier and more intuitive.

Partners and SPOT-6-7 licence

DINAMIS partners requiring Spot 6-7 data or with large requests exceeding the structure’s current capacity will be offered custom services, i.e.: :

  • Joint definition of proximity procedures matching the partner’s requirements, enabling direct interaction with the data-acquisition system managed by DINAMIS
  • Joint analysis of additional needs to be met through procurement mechanisms managed by DINAMIS
  • Additional support services, such as monitoring of acquisitions, image validation reports, provision of all possible product formats or traceability of imagery added to the shared catalogue

Specific Pléiades requests

Pléiades data users who are DINAMIS partners may pay for data they wish to acquire outside current quotas.

The DINAMIS team will work with interested partners to harmonize additional Pléiades and Spot 6-7 provisions.

For more details, contact the DINAMIS Executive Bureau
