Spot-6/7 products

Products generated by GEOSUD/DINAMIS terminal

Spectral modeResolutionSpectral modeProcessing levelDescription
S6 or S71.50 mPANPrimary1.5-m panchromatic with radiometric and geometric corrections (*)
S6 or S71.50 mPANOrtho1.5-m panchromatic, orthorectified to projection
S6 or S76 mXSPrimary6-m colour, with radiometric and geometric corrections
S6 or S76 mXSOrtho6-m colour, orthorectified to projection
S6 or S71.50 mPAN+XSOrtho1.5-m merged product, orthorectified to projection (merged 3-band natural colour, merged 3-band false colour, merged 4-band)
S6 or S7BundlePAN+XSPrimarySimultaneous acquisition of 4 colour bands at 6 m and 1 panchromatic band at 1.5 m
S6 or S7BundlePAN+XSOrthoOrthorectification, simultaneous acquisition of 4 colour bands at 6 m and 1 panchromatic band at 1.5 m
S6 or S71.50 mPAN+MSPrimary1.5-m merged product (merged 3-band natural colour, merged 3-band false colour, merged 4-band)

(*) at nadir

Geometric processing

SPOT-6 and SPOT-7 imagery products are available at two processing levels: Primary and Ortho.
All products are corrected for radiometric effects and sensor distortion, using internal calibration parameters, ephemerides and altitude measurements.

Primary (perfect sensor)
This is the processing level closest to the raw image as acquired by the sensor, to guarantee that acquisition conditions are accurately restored. The sensor geometry is rectilinear and the image corrected for radiometric distortion.
The Primary product is designed for users proficient in satellite imagery processing techniques who want to apply their own methods (e.g. orthorectification or 3D modelling). The RPCs (rational polynomial coefficients) and sensor model are provided to give them the freedom to do this on their own.
Level 1 products are georeferenced, meaning that their metadata provide the image’s exact location.

Le traitement de niveau 3 (Ortho) consiste à appliquer des corrections radiométriques Level 3 (Ortho) processing applies the same radiometric corrections as Level 1.
Georeferenced image corrected for off-nadir and relief effects, readily useable and suitable for integration in a geographic information system (GIS).

Product format
SPOT-6/7 products are in DIMAP V2 format, like Pléiades products (DIMAP V2 is an enhanced version of SPOT’s DIMAP V1 format).

Different image formats are available:
• DIMAP JPEG 2000 with optimized compression (3.5 bits/pixel), ideal for downloading and sharing
• DIMAP JPEG 2000 with normal compression (8 bits/pixel), recommended for high-precision post-processing
• Uncompressed GeoTIFF

Download the SPOT-6/7 product format factsheet
