As part of an experiment run by DINAMIS with the support of Airbus, all the orthorectified Spot 6-7 products compatible with the RGE (IGN) of the vintage coverage of France, acquired annually since 2014, are now being released as Open Data.
This experiment is in response to growing demand from users for open data, to facilitate and boost innovation and the development of new information services at local and national levels based on Spot 6-7 data time series.
It will be subject to overall statistical monitoring and regular feedback from the community. The aim of this monitoring will be to measure the impact of open data dissemination on the uses made of the data and to determine the benefits of continuing with this method of dissemination for DINAMIS users.
DINAMIS distributes orthorectified open data products via the following link: https://openspot-dinamis.data-terra.org.
Licences associated with the products distributed: Etalab2
Downloading data involves filling in a very simple form, designed to enable overall statistical monitoring of their distribution.
We will keep the user community informed of the new open data supplied, as well as the use made of this new distribution method, via News published on the site and posts published on the DINAMIS LinkedIn page.