DINAMIS and emergency response

Unlike CIEST2, the International Charter Space and Major Disasters or other similar structures like EMS Copernicus, DINAMIS does not currently support emergency response.

However, DINAMIS can exceptionally process special requests.

Note that it does not support tasking requests for a specific date, even with advance notice.
Contacts: : dinamis@cnes.fr ; images-satellites@ign.fr


Research scientists studying geophysical hazards like landslides, earthquakes, volcano eruptions or glacier collapse need specific stereo and tri-stereo acquisition modes not necessarily covered by the disaster management community (i.e. the International Charter Space and Major Disasters), and they need to obtain data within days.

CIEST²—for Cellule d’Intervention d’Expertise Scientifique et Technique or new-generation scientific and technical expertise unit—is a project led by the ForM@Ter national solid Earth data hub.  It can be activated:

  • by a scientist at a French research laboratory that is a CIEST² member
  • independently of or subsequent to an activation of the International Charter Space and Major Disasters

CNES then tasks the Pléiades satellites in urgent ‘Charter’ mode, meaning that images will be acquired systematically every day for 10 days with cloud cover filtering turned off. Acquisitions are tasked mostly in stereo mode to obtain digital surface models (DSMs). Science results are made available on the ForM@Ter website.

Imagery acquired through CIEST² will be available in the DINAMIS catalogue.

International Charter Space and Major Disasters

The International Charter Space and Major Disasters is a collaboration between the world’s space agencies to provide their satellites free of charge for emergency relief and rescue operations in response to natural or man-made disasters. Its aim is to:

  • Contribute through its space assets, satellite data and derived products to the organization of relief efforts
  • Offer a coordinated one-stop space system for acquiring optical and radar imagery, and deliver data to users responding to disasters
  • Promote cooperation between space agencies and space system operators in the field of hazard and disaster management

Only registered authorized users can activate the Charter. These may be a national civil protection, emergency response or safety agency, or an organization operating on behalf of a user with which a partnership has been established for crisis management.

This initiative is operational since the 2000s and is accessible 24/7 via a one-stop portal.

